2009年12月22日 星期二 晴 心情 : 有一些领悟
上个星期日到吉隆坡看画展,走之前拿了一本免费读物《COSMIC》..FEB OF 2008.

If you are neglecting the things you should be doing,forgetting your purpose in life because of the relationship you're in, then you're on the wrong path.A healthy relationship is one in which two people encourage each other to reach their respective goals while sharing each other's hopes and dreams.A relationship should be a source of inspiration, vigour and hope."

"If you try to use love as an escape, the fact is that the euphoria is unlikely to last for long. If anything, you may only find yourself with even more problems along with a great deal of pain and sadness. However much you may try, you can never run away from yourself. If you remain weak, suffering will only follow you wherever you go. You will never find happiness if you don't change yourself from within.Happiness is not something that someone else, like a lover, for instance, can give to you."

《Daisaku Ikeda》

"Happiness is a matter of the heart.Seek happiness from within and not from another person.The road to happiness is like a journey.You can choose which route you want to take."

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